The truth is...
This time last year I was earning 40-60k cash months which was awesome, but behind the scenes I was SO overwhelmed.🙈
I was a solopreneur, doing EVERYTHING myself.
The content creation, posting, landing pages, discovery calls, coaching calls...everything.
I felt like I as doing the job of 10 women!
That's when I knew I had to figure out how to get some help!
But I didn't know...
What that would look like, who to hire, where to find them, or how to go about doing it!
I had seen other coaches hire teams but had no idea how they did it. I also tried a few things taught by coaches I had hired that didn't work for me and I almost lost my Facebook account!
I started my search, hired multiple people, had multiple calls, watched dozens of trainings, delegated tons of tasks, and finally figured out EXACTLY how to hire my dream team.
I NEED THiSWith my dream team in place...
We are operating like a well oiled machine & I've never felt lighter in my biz! 🤸♀️
I have freed up around 20-30 hours of my time per month, saving me TONS of energy & allowing me to spend more time creating & in my zone of genius!
Even as a control freak, I have figured out how to have my team help me that doesn't add to my stress, it DECREASES it.💯
Not to mention my income is increasing every month with my dream team in place!💸
Learn to Grow Your Empire Too!
I'm going to teach you how to hire your dream team to free up your time, energy & help you make more money in your coaching biz .🔥
I'm going to teach you exactly what my team does for me, how I found them, how I taught them, & also the mistakes I made along the way so you don't make them too!🙌