The truth is...

This time last year I was earning 40-60k cash months which was awesome, but behind the scenes I was SO overwhelmed.🙈 

I was a solopreneur, doing EVERYTHING myself. 

The content creation, posting, landing pages, discovery calls, coaching calls...everything. 

I felt like I as doing the job of 10 women!

That's when I knew I had to figure out how to get some help!

But I didn't know...

What that would look like, who to hire, where to find them, or how to go about doing it!

I had seen other coaches hire teams but had no idea how they did it. I also tried a few things taught by coaches I had hired that didn't work for me and I almost lost my Facebook account!

I started my search, hired multiple people, had multiple calls, watched dozens of trainings, delegated tons of tasks, and finally figured out EXACTLY how to hire my dream team.


With my dream team in place...

We are operating like a well oiled machine & I've never felt lighter in my biz! 🤸‍♀️

I have freed up around 20-30 hours of my time per month, saving me TONS of energy & allowing me to spend more time creating & in my zone of genius!

Even as a control freak, I have figured out how to have my team help me that doesn't add to my stress, it DECREASES it.💯

Not to mention my income is increasing every month with my dream team in place!💸


Learn to Grow Your Empire Too!

I'm going to teach you how to hire your dream team to free up your time, energy & help you make more money in your coaching biz .🔥

I'm going to teach you exactly what my team does for me, how I found them, how I taught them, & also the mistakes I made along the way so you don't make them too!🙌